Healthy + Happy #12: The fascinating world of school food

At Life Time Foundation, we collaborate with school food leaders around the country to help them serve wholesome, minimally processed food to their students. As we gear up for back-to-school, here’s our quick run-down of the history, developments and importance of school food (a hot topic as of late). 

In the News

Healthy back-to-school habits.

Events, Happenings and Opportunities

  • Healthy School Meals for All, a Colorado 2022 Ballot Initiative, will address child hunger by covering the cost of every meal served by participating Colorado public school districts while also creating grant programs to help schools buy food from local farmers and ranchers, increase frontline staff pay, create parent-student advisory groups on school meals in participating districts, and provide school nutrition departments with equipment and training to make healthier scratch meals with local produce. Click here to learn more about and support the ballot initiative.  

  • Founded by former Noma head chef Dan Giusti, Brigaid is a startup that began challenging the school food status quo by putting professional chefs into public schools to cook fresh, wholesome food from scratch. They are hiring! Learn more here.  

Have other national events or grant opportunities you'd like us to highlight? Let us know.

We hope you enjoyed Healthy + Happy. As always, please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or thoughts.


Healthy + Happy #13: Norway for the win


Healthy + Happy #11: Nature Rx